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September 02, 2009


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Ivan | JobsBlog.ie

Great, simply great article. And yes recruiting, and especially sourcing is still the 'weakest link’. It really is strange that none of all this companies listed below is not doing anything in that space?


I think I found a bug in Twitsume.
It reads on the screen you are alerted?
My email ending with seoconsultant.ie is in your database. Get in touch if you need repro steps.

Pete Flynn

Hi Philip

Have you seen http://twitsume.com?

Launched 2 weeks ago today - may be of interest?

In a nutshell, Twitsumé.com allows anyone with a Twitter account to connect and create an online résumé/CV (or “Twitsumé”) for all registered Twitsumé.com users to see. They can also see who of their friends and followers have Twitsumés and invite those who do not. Their are public/private settings enabling users to decide which aspects of their Twitsumé can be seen by all registered users and which are hidden.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.


As a victim of your inflicting Trinet on the employees at Habeas, I can tell you... actually the whole experience was really very good. The on-boarding process went so easily from the employee's perspective. The Trinet website was very easy to use and had everything the employee needs on a day-to-day basis. It's an easy way to get big-company HR services at start-up prices.

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